A downloadable tool

Please refer to the "Setup.txt " file for instructions. Contact me via discord or in person for any help

Also you may need to take a little dive into the code to understand what is going on/what parameters should be passed. This only applies for the Godot Plugin unless you want to make your own API wrapper. Don't worry though everything is well documented

Loopware Online SubSystem (aka LOSS) is an all-in-one solution for handling anything "cloud" related in your Games/Applications. Although originally meant for the Godot Engine this system should/can work with any engine or framework that has support for HTTP(s) requests and Websockets/WebRTC

Currently only user/client authorization and the datastore service are finished

The Authorization Service allows for user/client authorization via JsonWebTokens. Similar to how a Web API works you first make a request to the Authorization Server with a special client ID. The Authorization Server does some backend magic, checking the client token, and then generates a new access token and refresh token pair.

 The Datastore Service allows for reading/writing persistent data on a self hosted database rather then locally on the end users hard drive. This allows for not only secure saved data but can also allow for multiple devices to read/write shared data. Perfect for multiplayer games with an account system or for doing anything that involves "cloud" magic

If you want a local copy of the project you can git pull both the Server and Godot Plugin from here -> Server || Godot Plugin | Do note that you SHOULD use the developer branches (dev-Reorginization and dev) as they contain the latest changes and features. The main branches do "work" but contain heavily outdated work that is most likely incomplete. Also note that both branches do get updated frequently so either make a copy by Friday or just use the copies provided below


Matthew F: Everything 💻

Shakira: Just happy to be here 😊



Setup.txt 3.6 kB
LoopwareOnlineSubsystem-Server.zip 67 kB

Install instructions

Check Setup.txt or contact me online or in person